Bride demands her bridesmaids pay for the dresses she bought for the ceremony, but karma immediately strikes back

When my best friend, Emily, asked us to be her bridesmaids, we expected a day of joy and laughter, not an outrageous financial demand. As the drama unfolded, karma intervened in ways we never saw coming, testing our friendship and turning our wedding day into an unforgettable event.

I was in the bridal suite, adjusting my dress while Sarah helped me smooth the last stray strand of my hair back into place. The room was abuzz with excitement and the faint scent of roses. Emily, the bride-to-be, fluttered around like a butterfly, double-checking every detail.

Bride-to-be Emily flutters around the room, double-checking every detail | Source: Pexels

Bride-to-be Emily flutters around the room, double-checking every detail | Source: Pexels

“Lena, what do you think?” Emily asked, holding up a pair of diamond-studded shoes.

“They’re beautiful, Emily. Everything is perfect,” I reassured her.

He sighed, relief flooding his face. “I just want everything to go well today.”

Lisa chimed in from a corner: “It’ll work out. You’ve planned it down to the last napkin.”

Emily smiled and turned to the closet. “I have something special for all of you,” she said, pulling out five bags of clothes. She handed them out with a flourish.

Emily handed out stunning bridesmaid dresses, each one a work of art | Source: Pexels

Emily handed out stunning bridesmaid dresses, each one a work of art | Source: Pexels

We opened the bags and discovered stunning dresses, each one a work of art. Pastel tones, intricate lace, delicate embroidery.

“Wow,” Megan exclaimed. “They’re… amazing.”

Sarah nodded, her fingers running over the fabric. “They must have cost a fortune.”

Emily laughed, a little too cheerfully. “Well, you only get married once, right? I wanted everything to be perfect.”

Bridesmaids' dresses feature pastel hues and intricate lace | Source: Pexels

Bridesmaids’ dresses feature pastel hues and intricate lace | Source: Pexels

When we put the dresses on, the fabric felt like a second skin, luxurious and cool. It wasn’t our usual style, but the fit and craftsmanship were undeniable.

We twirled in front of the mirrors, admiring how the pastel hues complemented our skin tones, and the intricate lace added a touch of fairytale elegance to the entire ensemble.

“I feel like a princess,” Lisa murmured, her eyes shining as she examined herself in the mirror.

“I know, right?” I agreed, smoothing down the skirt of my dress. “Emily, you’ve outdone yourself.”

Admiring the fairytale elegance of the dresses | Source: Pexels

Admiring the fairytale elegance of the dresses | Source: Pexels

The ceremony took place in a picturesque garden, beneath a floral arch that looked like something straight out of a romance novel. Emily walked down the aisle, beaming as she met James at the altar.

Their vows were heartfelt and sincere, words that spoke of a future built on love and partnership. Even I, practical as I am, had tears in my eyes.

Emily walks down the aisle | Source: Pexels

Emily walks down the aisle | Source: Pexels

“You may now kiss the bride,” the officiant announced, and the audience erupted in applause as James and Emily shared their first kiss as a married couple. It was a perfect moment, encapsulated in a frame of blooming flowers and golden sunlight.

At the reception, the grand ballroom was abuzz with laughter and music. The tables were adorned with elegant centerpieces, and fairy lights twinkled overhead, casting a magical glow. I sipped my champagne, soaking in the ambiance, filled with the soft murmur of conversation and the clink of glasses.

After a while, Emily gathered us bridesmaids together for a private chat. “Thank you all for being here and for looking so beautiful,” she said, her eyes shining with gratitude.

Emily gathering her bridesmaids for a group photo | Source: Pexels

Emily gathering her bridesmaids for a group photo | Source: Pexels

She gave us a group hug and led us to the dance floor. We swayed together, laughing, as the photographer captured the moment.

Just then, Emily took a deep breath and her expression changed to one of nervous anticipation. “I have to ask you something. The dresses… They cost quite a bit, and I’d appreciate it if you could reimburse me $1,200 for each one. I’ll accept cash or wire transfer.”

A stunned silence followed. The joy and excitement that had filled the room moments before now hung in the balance.

“Wait, what?” Sarah said, her smile fading. “I thought the dresses were a gift.”

Emily drops the bombshell about the cost of the dress | Source: Midjourney

Emily drops the bombshell about the cost of the dress | Source: Midjourney

Emily shook her head, her smile fading. “I never said that. I figured you guys knew. So I’ll take cash, or you can do it tomorrow by bank transfer. Or now, if you want, via app.”

Megan looked around, her eyes wide. “Emily, we didn’t budget for this. None of us did.”

I felt my stomach tighten. “Um, we love the dresses, but $1,200 is a lot of money! We really thought they were a gift from you.”

The tension in the air was thick enough to cut through. But before anyone could respond, a commotion broke out at the entrance to the reception hall. People turned, whispering and pointing.

The elegant reception hall | Source: Pexels

The elegant reception hall | Source: Pexels

“What’s going on?” Lisa asked, looking toward the door.

Emily frowned, straining to see. “I don’t know. Let’s see.”

At the entrance, a team of deliverymen were struggling with a huge, towering wedding cake. It was at least twice as tall as any of us and seemed to be leaning precariously. Emily’s eyes widened in horror.

“What is this?” he exclaimed, running forward.

One of the workers, red-faced and sweating, turned to her. “Here’s your wedding cake, ma’am. We’re sorry you’re late, we did our best to have it ready on time, but given the, you know, extra size…”

A delivery man informs Emily of the arrival of the wedding cake | Source: Pexels

A delivery man informs Emily of the arrival of the wedding cake | Source: Pexels

Emily blinked. “What the hell… I ordered a ten-pound cake, not… this!”

The worker scratched his head, looking at the invoice in his hand. “It seems there was a mix-up. The order was processed for 50 kilos. This is what we received. There must have been an extra zero by mistake.”

Emily looked like she was about to faint. “50 kilos? How did that happen?”

The worker handed him the bill. “Here’s the bill. I’m sure it’s a bit more than you expected. But we checked your online order again, it was for 50.”

Emily took the paper, her hands shaking. She looked at the figure and her face paled. “This is crazy. I can’t afford it.”

The Colossal Wedding Cake | Source: Pexels

The Colossal Wedding Cake | Source: Pexels

The rest of us bridesmaids stood behind her, speechless. The irony of the situation was not lost on any of us. Emily had just asked us to pay a ridiculous amount for the dresses, and now she was faced with an equally absurd demand.

Sarah stepped forward, breaking the awkward silence. “Emily, let’s talk for a moment.”

Emily turned to her, tears welling up again. “I don’t know what to do, Sarah. This is a nightmare.”

Surprise at the impressive cake ordered by mistake | Source: Midjourney

Surprise at the impressive cake ordered by mistake | Source: Midjourney

Sarah put a hand on her shoulder. “We can’t afford those dresses, Emily. But we’re your friends and we’ll help you through this.”

Lisa nodded, stepping forward. “Sarah’s right. We may not have $1,200 each for dresses, but we can support you in other ways.”

I joined in. “Emily, true friendship isn’t about money. It’s about being there for each other, no matter what.”

Emily looked at us and finally burst into tears. “I’m so sorry. I was so focused on making everything perfect that I lost sight of what really matters.”

A bridesmaid steps in to calm Emily down during the chaotic moment | Source: Pexels

A bridesmaid steps in to calm Emily down during the chaotic moment | Source: Pexels

Megan handed her a tissue. “We get it. Weddings are stressful. But we’re here now and we’ll get through this together.”

Emily took a deep breath and nodded. “Thank you. Seriously. I don’t deserve friends like you.”

“We’re in this together,” Sarah said firmly. “Now, let’s figure out the cake.”

We huddled together, exchanging ideas. In the end, we decided to pool our resources to cover the cost of the colossal cake. It was a hit with the guests, who had fun and were delighted with the unexpected delicacy. The mishap turned out to be one of the highlights of the evening.

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A guest enjoying a slice of wedding cake | Source: Pexels

A guest enjoying a slice of wedding cake | Source: Pexels

As the evening progressed, the shocks faded into laughter and celebration. The giant cake became a symbol of the day’s unexpected twists and turns. Guests took photos with it, cut off huge slices and enjoyed every moment.

I watched as Emily and James shared their first dance, their previous troubles seemingly forgotten. The love and support of friends and family enveloped them, turning what could have been a disaster into a fond memory.

Emily’s face, previously tense and worried, was now beaming with genuine happiness. She caught my eye and said, “Thank you.”

Bridesmaids and other wedding guests celebrating happily | Source: Pexels

Bridesmaids and other wedding guests celebrating happily | Source: Pexels

I nodded, feeling satisfied. That day had been far from perfect, but it had taught us all a valuable lesson about generosity, humility, and the strength of true friendship. We had come together, faced unexpected challenges, and emerged stronger.

As I stood there, watching the joyous scene unfold, I realized that these moments of chaos and goodness were what made life truly memorable. The bonds we shared had been tested and proven unbreakable.

The reception hall, now filled with joy and laughter, was a testament to resilience, friendship, and the unexpected beauty of imperfection. As Emily and James danced, I knew that this day, with all its ups and downs, would be remembered fondly by all who were a part of it.

Emily and James sharing their first dance | Source: Pexels

Emily and James sharing their first dance | Source: Pexels

What would you have done? If you liked this story, here’s another one about a bride who was left at the altar by her groom, but it turned out to be a blessing for her.

This work is inspired by real people and events, but has been fictionalized for creative purposes. Names, characters, and details have been changed to protect privacy and enhance the narrative. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or to real events is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

The author and publisher do not guarantee the accuracy of events or the depiction of characters, and are not responsible for any misinterpretation. This story is provided “as is,” and the opinions expressed are those of the characters and do not reflect the views of the author or publisher.

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