6 Тhings Idiосrасy Рrеdiсtеd Аbоut Тhе Mоdеrn Wоrld Тhаt Sаdly Саmе Тruе

In September 2006, 20th Century Fox released Mike Judge’s third feature film, Idiocracy, for a limited run. Yes, even after his two international hits, Beavis and Butt-Head and King of the Hill, Mike Judge’s hilarious yet darkly prophetic voice was hushed by the very studio profiting from his success. Cut to today and the parallels between the film and reality are so stark it’s frightening. Here are five things Idiocracy predicted that sadly came true:

  1. The President of the United States is a Man-Child

We all laughed at Terry Crews character, President Camacho; comfortable in the knowledge that we will never, ever, witness such poor behavior from a world leader behind a podium. We guffawed at the way he rallied his citizens likе a rock-star while making trivial statements. We’re certainly not laughing now…

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