Husband Keeps Choosing His Mother over His Wife until the Latter Gives Him an Ultimatum

Together for five years and married for six months, she shared that her husband had an unusually close relationship with his mother, saying, “He’ll call his mother for hours, talk to her, and spend more time with her than he does with me.”

At six months pregnant, she asked her husband to be more present, but he responded, “You know my mom comes before you.” Shocked, she prepared for the baby alone. Her mother-in-law (MIL) called, bragging about her “win,” with her husband laughing in the background. On their anniversary, he spent the evening at his mother’s house. When she confronted him, he and his MIL told her not to be “bitter and jealous.”

Receiving support from Reddit users, she realized her MIL might be competing with her. Considering divorce, she told her husband to stop acting like he was married to his mother. He cried and vowed to change. She warned her MIL that continuing her behavior would mean no access to her grandchild. Since then, her husband has shown promise of change, stepping up to be more present.

Reflecting on the situation, the woman acknowledged that her MIL had no intention of changing, which led her to consider a serious ultimatum. She told her husband that if he didn’t prioritize their family, she would leave. This tough stance seemed to have an impact, as her husband began to take her concerns seriously and made efforts to improve their relationship.

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